Wan Chai Nocturnal
to 15 Oct

Wan Chai Nocturnal

Wan Chai Nocturnal 
13.10.2023 – 15.10.2023 
7:30pm – 10:30pm
Wan Chai Harbourfront

Wan Chai x Harbourfront x Nightfall = Three Nights x Multiple Experiences
Gazing, Snapshotting, Sketching, Wandering… do as one pleases, for the night is young.

"See-er at Dusk" Film Screening cum dialogues with guests: 
"Crossing Hennessy", "Table For Six", "Bamboo Theatre”

"Flaneur at Dusk" Themed Walking Tour: 
"Urban Myths", "Sketch-A-Way", "City In Lens"

Free of charge
Registration details to be released soon. Stay tuned.

Event website:

HongKongArchitectureCentre HKAC Audrey Yip #葉泳詩 手機拍攝技巧教學課程班 - William Shum Phonetography #沈維立 #陳麗喬 Sarah Mui SW  #廖國安 畫下嘢 Wahayeah Sketch Group #張學敏 #張兆文 #趙君廉 MOViE MOViE Golden Scene Co. Ltd. - Film farmfresh330 上水貨舖 BeWater Mart

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Wan Chai Nocturnal "See-er at Dusk" Film Screening cum dialogues with guests
to 15 Oct

Wan Chai Nocturnal "See-er at Dusk" Film Screening cum dialogues with guests

Wan Chai Nocturnal - For See-er & Flaneur
Three Nights x Multiple Experiences

"See-er at Dusk" Film Screening cum post-screening dialogues : Let’s immerse in the many facets of city life captured in films with the mighty night view of Victoria Harbour as backdrop.

13.10.2023 – 15.10.2023
7:30pm – 10:30pm
Wan Chai Harbourfront HarbourChill

13.10.2023   Bamboo Theatre ( 2019 )​​ 
Duration 1hr 15min
Post-screening dialogue guests:Chang Ping Hung, Wallace & Mystery guest

Chang Ping Hung, Wallace | Architect, Associate Professor. Chang is an architectural practitioner and theorist on urban design, cultural conservation and community participation. 

14.10.2023  Crossing Hennessy (2010)
Duration 1hr 45 min
Post-screening dialogue guests:Helen Leung, Nick Tsao

Nick Tsao | Architect and papercutting artist. Tsao lives in the historic Wanchai Bluehouse, sharing his passion for traditional crafts and community building.

15.10.2023 Table For Six (2022) 
Duration ​​1hr 58 min
Post-screening dialogue guests:Kevin Mak, Brian Kwok Mystery guests

Kevin Mak | Architect, an urban & architectural photographer, and the co-founder of a signboard heritage conservation platform @streetsignhk.

Brian Kwok | Associate Professor at the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Kwok has a passion for street observation and visual ethnographic research. 

🎤 Activities offered in Cantonese
💺 Free seating with limited number of chairs. You are welcomed to bring your own seating mat for laying on the ground.
💲 Free of charge. The first 100 successful pre-registrants will each get a complimentary FarmFresh330 bottled tea and a pack of BeWater Mart Popcorn.
👪 200 participants, first-come, first-served! Successful registrants will be notified.

Registration Period| From now until 12th October 2023 
Online Registration| https://forms.gle/SjSjd6m4Yhq8C6CK9
Inquiry| 2805 7146

Inclement Weather Arrangement|When the Hong Kong Observatory issues an amber rainstorm warning, thunderstorms warning or tropical cyclone signal no.3, special arrangements will be in place. Please refer to HKAC social media and website for details.

‘Melody at Dusk’ performance partner: The Fringe Club
13.10.2023 – 15.10.2023
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Wan Chai Harbourfront HarbourChill 

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Wan Chai Nocturnal "Flaneur at Dusk" Themed Walking Tours
to 15 Oct

Wan Chai Nocturnal "Flaneur at Dusk" Themed Walking Tours

Wan Chai Nocturnal - For See-er & Flaneur
Three Nights x Multiple Experiences

"Flaneur at Dusk" Archi-Walk: Starting off from HarbourChill, let’s unstretch all senses to discover the city with new perspectives. 

13.10.2023 – 15.10.2023
7:30pm – 9:30pm
Wan Chai Harbourfront HarbourChill and surrounding areas

Route: City In Lens

The city at night is always mysterious and vibrant. Have you ever tried capturing its charm with your mobile phone? Well, here's your chance! Content includes: 
🌟 Night photography basics
🌟 Composition and creativity
🌟 Utilizing light and color

Leader | Shum Wai Lap, William. Architect based in Hong Kong, Shum enjoys capturing and sharing the beauty of people, events, and objects from own perspective. In recent years, he has frequently used smartphone to capture images and gradually developed a simple and easy-to-learn mobile photography techniques course. 

Route: Sketch-A-Way

Under the night sky, Victoria Harbour shines brilliantly. We cordially invite everyone to personally depict their unique nighttime scenery using paper, paint, brushes, and even their fingers.

Leader|Wahayeah Sketch Group「畫下嘢」Mr. Richie Cheung, Mr. Alan Cheung & Mr. Bon Chiu, Ar. Roy Liu, Dr. LK Chan, Ar. Sarah Mui *2 speakers per tour

Route: Urban Myths

Join us for a walking tour of urban myths to uncover the Wan Chai beyond your imagination. Clues of the itinerary: full house, gigantic Buddha, locked space, ancient mansion’s sound, female deity, strange photo, mysterious phone call. While otherworldly contact is not guaranteed, local stories are.

Leader | Audrey Yip. Seasoned Story-teller & Communicator / Media Practitioner / Tour Guide  / Heritage Conservationist

🎤 Activities offered in Cantonese
💲 Free of charge  
🕴️ 30 participants, first-come, first-served! Successful registrants will be notified by a designated contact person.

Registration Period| From now until 12th October 2023 
Online Registration|  https://forms.gle/QM6oM62QDvUD9xQj8 
Inquiry| 2805 7146

Inclement Weather Arrangement|When the Hong Kong Observatory issues an amber rainstorm warning, thunderstorms warning or tropical cyclone signal no.3, special arrangements will be in place. Please refer to HKAC social media and website for details.

‘Melody at Dusk’ performance partner: The Fringe Club
13.10.2023 – 15.10.2023
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Wan Chai Harbourfront HarbourChill 

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香港建築中心 【禪與建築】活動系列(三):「禪 - 書法」 (2023年9月23日)
9:30 am09:30

香港建築中心 【禪與建築】活動系列(三):「禪 - 書法」 (2023年9月23日)

【禪與建築】第三課 —「 禪 - 書法 」。當筆尖在白紙上遊走,留下的不單是藴含千載歷史文化的書法藝術,也傳達了書者當下的思緒和情感;這片刻的放下,也讓心靈停一停、鬆一鬆。

香港建築中心董事 — 李明湛建築師邀請大家在一個週六早上,舒適的氛圍下,透過親自臨摹來體驗「我手寫我心」的樂趣,一同享受襌書法的寧靜,探討「美」是何物。

🤩 李明湛建築師   — 香港建築中心董事,習書法及修襌多年

🤩 廖國安建築師 — 香港建築中心副主席,專業上在多個地區實施了不同類型的建築項目,同時亦熱衷於把認識建築、體驗建築推廣給普羅大眾。偶爾禪修靜坐,尋找心中的佛性。

💲費用|香港建築中心會員 HK$250/位;非會員 HK$320/位
*費用包括臨摹用具 (水寫布、毛筆、水碟及純素花茶)

📌 名額24位,先到先得,滿額即止,香港建築中心之會員可享有優先權參與是次活動

📌 於2023年9月15日前請填妥網上表格 (https://forms.gle/b5xVppXVbF5bU2v19),或電郵至 info@archicentre.hk 或致電2805 7146 與本中心職員以確認參加
📌 除本中心宣佈取消是次活動外,所有已繳付之費用將不獲退還或轉讓

未係會員又想以優惠價參加?快啲加入香港建築中心成為「建築之友」啦,入會表格 HKAC Membership Registration:https://forms.gle/EK6xQhGpfnptPvhd7

= = = = = =


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香港建築中心 【禪與建築】活動系列(一):「當建築師遇上法師」 (2023年7月29日)
9:30 am09:30

香港建築中心 【禪與建築】活動系列(一):「當建築師遇上法師」 (2023年7月29日)

  • Hong Kong Architecture Centre . 香港建築中心 . (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



脫俗的法師遇上事事唯美和執著的建築師,會碰撞出怎樣的火花 💥? 別錯過這場獨特精彩的體驗,讓我們共同展開心靈之旅! 


🤩 常霖法師

🤩 許統勝建築師

🤩 梅詩華建築師


🤩 廖國安建築師


✅ 禪心看世界
✅ 禪與建築
✅ 禪與建築師

📅日期|2023年7月29日 (星期六)


📍地點|香港建築師學會會址 (香港銅鑼灣希慎道1號19樓)

💲費用|香港建築中心會員 HK$280/位;非會員 HK$350/位 

📌 於2023年7月23日前請填妥網上表格 (https://forms.gle/pd1KMWx4pfBRUsBGA),或電郵至 info@archicentre.hk 或致電 2805 7146 與本中心職員以確認參加
📌 名額40位,滿額即止,香港建築中心之會員可享有優先權參與是次活動
📌 除本中心宣佈取消是次活動外,所有已繳付之費用將不獲退還或轉讓

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香港建築中心聯同華懋集團舉辦「相約慶春約」12月份工作坊: 荔枝窩元宇宙暨3D打印窗花掛飾設計工作坊
2:00 pm14:00

香港建築中心聯同華懋集團舉辦「相約慶春約」12月份工作坊: 荔枝窩元宇宙暨3D打印窗花掛飾設計工作坊


(一) 2022 年 12 月 18 日 (星期日);下午 2 時至 4 時 30分
(二) 2023 年 2 月 25 日 (星期六);下午 2 時至 4 時 30分
名額|10位 (免費活動,先到先得。請預先報名,成功登記人士將收到電郵確認)

如有任何查詢,歡迎致電2805 7146 於辦公時間內與中心職員聯絡。期待與大家「相約慶春約」!

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香港建築中心聯同華懋集團舉辦「相約慶春約」12月份工作坊: 香港客家福音協會、睿智會自家人呈獻「客家報佳音迎聖誕」及客家文化傳承講座
5:00 pm17:00

香港建築中心聯同華懋集團舉辦「相約慶春約」12月份工作坊: 香港客家福音協會、睿智會自家人呈獻「客家報佳音迎聖誕」及客家文化傳承講座


(一) 2022 年 12 月 17 日 (星期六);下午 5 時至 6 時
(二) 2022 年 12 月 24日 (星期六);下午 2 時至 3 時
名額|30位 (免費活動,先到先得。請預先報名,成功登記人士將收到電郵確認)

如有任何查詢,歡迎致電2805 7146 於辦公時間內與中心職員聯絡。期待與大家「相約慶春約」!

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香港建築中心支持活動: 相約慶春約展覽及工作坊 <童SEN童戲> x <相約慶春約> 聖誕蠟燭製作工作坊
10:30 am10:30

香港建築中心支持活動: 相約慶春約展覽及工作坊 <童SEN童戲> x <相約慶春約> 聖誕蠟燭製作工作坊

中區扶輪社和大埔扶輪社將於12月17日,夥拍 SPECTRUM 舉辦《童SEN童戲》x《相約慶春約》聖誕蠟燭製作工作坊。活動將會邀請基層 SEN 家庭及小朋友一起製作以慶春約為主題的蠟燭,更會一起遊覽中環街市及《相約慶春約》展覽。希望透過活動推動各界多點關心 SEN 兒童,並在佳節宣揚共融和守望相助的精神。

日期|2022 年 12 月 17 日 (星期六)
時間 | 上午 10 時 30分至下午 1 時

華懋集團以「時空平行慶春約 城鄉共融在中環」為主題,舉辦相約慶春約展覽,將香港最古老之一、有三百多年歷史的慶春約七村,居民四種生活本質「衣、食、住、行」,透過科技營造出「光、聲、觸、聞、嚐」五種感觀體驗,令參觀者身在中環,卻恍如置處慶春約七村,藉以保存及推廣當地文化和經濟發展。

日期 | 即日至2023年2月28日
時間 | 10am - 7pm
地點 | 中環街市一樓傳承館 (皇后大道中 93 號)

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Hong Kong Architecture Centre and Chinachem Group presented “A Date with Hing Chun Yeuk” Exhibition
to 31 Mar

Hong Kong Architecture Centre and Chinachem Group presented “A Date with Hing Chun Yeuk” Exhibition

Exhibition date: 30 Nov 2022 to 31 Mar 2023 (10am - 7pm)
Venue: 1/F, Legacy Hall, Central Market

"A long time ago in a village far, far away......" This is a typical beginning of a village’s story in the New Territories. So, what is the authentic story like? Hong Kong Architecture Centre and Chinachem Group presents “A Date with Hing Chun Yeuk” Exhibition, showcasing the tradition and culture of seven Hakka villages in the Northeast New Territories. It brings the far away villages into the center of our city!

The exhibition connects the seven Hakka villages of Hing Chun Alliance and urban life with 4 essences and 5 senses, featuring uniqueness of the Alliance and villagers’ livelihood with fresh produces, Hakka songs and beautiful landscape and scenery. Visitors can immerse in the heritage and cultural development of the Alliance and with display and multi-media installations, appreciating Hakka music, food, textiles and the amazing transformation of day and night. Lasting for 3 months, the exhibition is a collaborative effort with villagers, different organisations and supporting partners, sharing their stories, experiences, artworks and products in a creative and playful way for urbanites to appreciate the charm of rural life. In addition to the exhibition, there are also various of activities, such as Archi-talk, workshop and Lai Chi Wo Staycation. More information will be released on the Hong Kong Architecture Center and Chinachem Group website and Facebook. Please stay-tuned for more updates!

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HKAC Supported Event: Free Admission to "Mount Davis: From Citadel to Campus" Screening &amp; Sharing Session
6:30 pm18:30

HKAC Supported Event: Free Admission to "Mount Davis: From Citadel to Campus" Screening & Sharing Session

Life is Art 2022, co-presented by The Hong Kong Institute of Architects and MOViE MOViE, will launch in November; before the film festival begins, we have prepared a special preview for our members – "Mount Davis: From Citadel to Campus" screening on the actual site at Mount Davis!

Date: 31 October 2022 (Mon)
Time: 6:30pm – 8pm
Venue: The University of Chicago Hong Kong Campus, 168 Victoria Rd, Mount Davis (complimentary shuttle bus service is available)
FREE ADMISSION, Please register here: https://forms.gle/maP6Xwd83tS9pitx6

Brief Introduction:
For decades, The White House (白屋) stood abandoned on Hong Kong’s Mt. Davis. With a history that extends over the last century, the site was a longstanding reminder of war and conflict.
Now, detainees from the 1967 riots recount the tumultuous times leading to their imprisonment there. Historians and architects together capture the essence of Mount Davis’s past.
Today, the University of Chicago has transformed the site completely, giving it new life as a center for education. This documentary presents a compelling account of the rich history of the Mt. Davis site as well as its rebirth.

Enquiry: bia@hkia.org.hk
Movie Trailer: https://vimeo.com/396615063

Trailer - MOUNT DAVIS: FROM CITADEL TO CAMPUS with Chinese & English Subtitles
From an abandoned military site in Hong Kong with its turbulent history emerges a university’s beautiful reimagining as a new learning center. Now, detainees…

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HKAC Supported Event:  "The QS Awards 2022"
to 8 Jul

HKAC Supported Event: "The QS Awards 2022"

The quantity surveying profession evolved in the Hong Kong construction industry some eighty years ago. Over the decades, many quantity surveyors have dedicated their time and effort to escalating the professionalism of quantity surveyors, developing and strengthening the regime of quantity surveying, and the collaborations with the government and other professional disciplines. The professional quantity surveyor is one of the important pillars of the local construction industry.

The QS Awards 2022 is the first of its kind organized by the Quantity Surveying Division of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors.

Application closes at 12 noon 8 July 2022.

More event details: https://hkis-qsawards.com/

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HKAC Supported event: BOWD 2021
to 4 Dec

HKAC Supported event: BOWD 2021

  • Hong Kong Architecture Centre . 香港建築中心 . (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


BODW 2021 is fast approaching! The theme of BODW 2021 is Global Design Reset. More than 80 speakers, including leading entrepreneurs, creatives and designers from different sectors will shine a light on how we can thrive amid challenges, co-create a sustainable future, and make a meaningful impact through design.

Following last year’s success, the BODW 2021 Summit on 1 – 4 December 2021 will be held as a hybrid programme, simulcast on ViuTV, online, social media, and at partner locations. The Summit explores eight topics: Brand Rejuvenation, Connected Health and Wellbeing, Creative Mindset & Innovation Leadership, Culture & the City, Designing an Intelligent Future, Hospitality with Purpose, New Urban Models, and Phygital Reality.

More details:
BODW 2021

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HKAC Supported Event: DesignInspire 2021
to 15 Jul

HKAC Supported Event: DesignInspire 2021

  • Hong Kong Architecture Centre . 香港建築中心 . (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

DesignInspire, an annual creative showcase presented by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), is a celebration of world-class designs by global creative gurus, trending brands and design academies and institutions.

This year, DesignInspire is enhanced to a year-round digital programme for further promoting the international designers and projects to industry elites and the public through multiple online channels. This virtual experience will feature an engaging showcase of designer projects, thematic designer stories, fun interactive experiences and a range of creative workshops. Besides physical roadshows will be held in Hong Kong and Guangzhou for public engagement. Join us for the year-round design journey discovering global creativity around the world!

More details: DesignInspire | Exhibition of design and innovation (hktdc.com)

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HKAC supported event: Hong Kong’s First “Advancing Net Zero” Ideas Competition
to 7 May

HKAC supported event: Hong Kong’s First “Advancing Net Zero” Ideas Competition

HKAC supported event:
Hong Kong’s First “Advancing Net Zero” Ideas Competition for Carbon Neutrality

Registration is now OPEN!

The Competition aims to generate ideas and solutions, enhance learning and knowledge sharing, and to push the boundaries to design future-ready buildings and retrofit existing building stock to advance net zero emissions economy by 2050.

The registration is open internationally till 7 May 2021.

For more details, please visit anzideascompetition.hkgbc.org.hk

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HKAC supported event:  “Green Building Award 2021 (GBA 2021)” (Call for Nomination)
to 15 Jun

HKAC supported event: “Green Building Award 2021 (GBA 2021)” (Call for Nomination)


With the theme of ‘Shaping Liveability • Excellence in Sustainable Built Environment’, the biennial Green Building Award 2021, is to be held and co-organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC).

The award aims to recognise building-related projects and organisations with outstanding performance and contributions to sustainable built environment while advocates wider adoption of green building practices throughout a building’s life-cycle.

GBA 2021 is now open for nominations.

For further details, please visit http://www.gba.org.hk/index.html

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HKAC “Flash Course for Urban Co-Creator” 香港建築中心「社區共創員快閃課程」
2:30 pm14:30

HKAC “Flash Course for Urban Co-Creator” 香港建築中心「社區共創員快閃課程」

  • Hong Kong Architecture Centre . 香港建築中心 . (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Calling for urban lovers! Hong Kong Architecture Centre is now organising the first ever Flash Course for Urban Co-creator. This flash course will be the perfect beginner course for people who want to understand how the public space projects are brainstormed and executed. The course will cover from the skills of community observation, to the knowledge for place audit, and to the soft skills to engage the community. It is going to be a 2-day workshop including a site visit to completed projects to gain first-hand understanding.

More importantly, the participants who complete the course will be eligible to join the team for an upcoming public engagement project collaborating with Hong Kong Arts Centre in December 2020 to April 2021. Register NOW and equip yourself as our Urban Co-creator!

Date: 21 & 28 Nov, 2020
Quota: 16 (The workshop will be conducted in small groups)
Admission Fee: HK$450 (HKAC Member) / HK$600 (Non-member)
Language: Cantonese

More details and online registration: https://forms.gle/ueUxVEerFQ23GAja8





費用:港幣$450(香港建築中心會員)/ 港幣$600 (非會員)


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HKAC “Flash Course for Urban Co-Creator” 香港建築中心「社區共創員快閃課程」
2:30 pm14:30

HKAC “Flash Course for Urban Co-Creator” 香港建築中心「社區共創員快閃課程」

  • Hong Kong Architecture Centre . 香港建築中心 . (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Calling for urban lovers! Hong Kong Architecture Centre is now organising the first ever Flash Course for Urban Co-creator. This flash course will be the perfect beginner course for people who want to understand how the public space projects are brainstormed and executed. The course will cover from the skills of community observation, to the knowledge for place audit, and to the soft skills to engage the community. It is going to be a 2-day workshop including a site visit to completed projects to gain first-hand understanding.

More importantly, the participants who complete the course will be eligible to join the team for an upcoming public engagement project collaborating with Hong Kong Arts Centre in December 2020 to April 2021. Register NOW and equip yourself as our Urban Co-creator!

Date: 21 & 28 Nov, 2020
Quota: 16 (The workshop will be conducted in small groups)
Admission Fee: HK$450 (HKAC Member) / HK$600 (Non-member)
Language: Cantonese

More details and online registration: https://forms.gle/ueUxVEerFQ23GAja8





費用:港幣$450(香港建築中心會員)/ 港幣$600 (非會員)


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to 12 Jan




詳情請瀏覽課程網頁: https://bit.ly/3caV85P

查詢|3917 4767 / ruralsd@hku.hk

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to 20 Oct





查詢|3917 4767 / ruralsd@hku.hk

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HKAC Supported Event: KOWD 2020 - "Designing Digital Futures for the New Normal"
to 29 Aug

HKAC Supported Event: KOWD 2020 - "Designing Digital Futures for the New Normal"


With the theme of “Designing Digital Futures”, Knowledge of Design Week (KODW) is a FREE virtual event with LIVE Streaming and a Members Only Networking Platform from 26 to 29 August.  Over 40 global leaders and innovators will share timely insights on how we can navigate the new normal through design, innovation and technology. 

Date: 26 – 29 Aug 2020

More details and online registration: https://www.kodw.org/so0031

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香港建築中心支持活動:香港大學永續社區證書課程: -「社區協作」
to 25 Aug

香港建築中心支持活動:香港大學永續社區證書課程: -「社區協作」



查詢|3917 4767 / ruralsd@hku.hk

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to 31 Mar



查詢|3917 4767 / ruralsd@hku.hk

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過界:“穿戴空間:時裝工作坊”  Beyond Boundaries: “Spatial Wear-able: Fashion Workshop”
2:00 pm14:00

過界:“穿戴空間:時裝工作坊” Beyond Boundaries: “Spatial Wear-able: Fashion Workshop”

Spatial Wear-iable explores the boundaries of architecture and fashion. Architects Fei Mui, Aron Tsang and Wesley Ho hope to subvert the stereotype on the building materials and fabrics, also to bring alternative interpretation of materials to our audience.

Together with fashion designers, architects will introduce inspiring techniques of Miao tribal Cross-stitch to our participants to create unique artworks in workshop. Denim brand designer Jenny Chan will share her knowledge and skills in denim.

Venue:  Oi!

Language: Cantonese

Online registration: https://forms.gle/jQNjdXvrxDs2ec4F7

*Free admission. Successful registration will be notified by email.

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過界:“穿戴空間" Beyond Boundaries: "Spatial Wear-able"
to 9 Feb

過界:“穿戴空間" Beyond Boundaries: "Spatial Wear-able"



A Chinese saying goes “Human relies on clothes, Buddha relies on gold”. In another words, you are what you wear.

Our perception towards any space, person or object can be quite superficial at times depending solely on what is put on the surface. To challenge this extremely singular social-cultural connotation towards materials, this exhibition asks for an exchange of materials between fashion designers and architects to experiment with the limits and potentials of typical materials in an attempt to subvert the stereotype in materiality. Can cold metal panel cladding on building facade be assembled into a warm coat? Can tough jeans be reconstructed into a room fluffier than clouds? In this experiment, we hope to generate a more dichotic if not multifaceted perception towards common materials across the boundary between Fashion and Architecture.

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HKAC Supported event:【High-quality Japanese building materials and designer furniture at #DesignInpsire】
to 7 Dec

HKAC Supported event:【High-quality Japanese building materials and designer furniture at #DesignInpsire】

HKAC Supported event:

【High-quality Japanese building materials and designer furniture at #DesignInpsire】

A chance to reach new ideas and meet creative elites from Japan at #DesignInspire!

Showcasing the best modern Japanese style, the Japan Pavillion at DesignInspire features elegant architectural and furniture designs which blend traditional Japanese beauty and contemporary design. Come and discover the best Japanese design at the highlighted Japan Pavilion. Register now for free admission!

Date: 5-7 December 2019

Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

#HKArchitects #Architecture #cocreatesustainablecities #JapaneseDesign #JapaneseArchitect #Japan

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香港建築中心支持活動:香港大學策動永續發展坊 -「本地生態概覽」課程
to 14 Jan

香港建築中心支持活動:香港大學策動永續發展坊 -「本地生態概覽」課程


對 象 |適合各有意在永續發展方面坐言起行的教師、社區工作者、保育人士、政府官員、企業人員和退休人士等

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"城鄉異想︰一家一餸‧餐桌分享  Village Rethink: Food sharing"
10:00 am10:00

"城鄉異想︰一家一餸‧餐桌分享 Village Rethink: Food sharing"


Village Rethink is coming to the end. On next Sunday morning, participating artists Brian Kam, Bong Yeung and Humphrey Wong will share their thoughts of urban rural development, and explore complementary possibilities of urban development and countryside conservation. Special guests are invited to share the new ideas of rural revitalization and repairing the community. Each participant will prepare a dish, together forms a meal for sharing the food and stories of each of us.

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“印象 X 荃灣” 建築工作坊 “Impress X Tsuen Wan” Archi-workshop
11:00 am11:00

“印象 X 荃灣” 建築工作坊 “Impress X Tsuen Wan” Archi-workshop

SIGN UP NOW and walk us through the transformation of Tsuen Wan from the first generation of satellite town in Hong Kong through the last 50 years. 【“Impress X Tsuen Wan” Archi-workshop】 will be full of fun, laughters and memories. Do not miss this opportunity to be our Tsuen Wan tour guide!

Date: 2 November 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 11 am – 1pm
Venue: IP Lab, 5/F, The Mills
Language: Cantonese
Quota: 25
Register Now: http://bit.ly/35RZA65

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Invitation: Bauhaus Centenary in Hong Kong: Chapter 2: "Bauhaus: Revolution of the Time – From Architecture to Graphic Design"
2:30 pm14:30

Invitation: Bauhaus Centenary in Hong Kong: Chapter 2: "Bauhaus: Revolution of the Time – From Architecture to Graphic Design"

Rethink the legacy and influence of Bauhaus in a relaxing afternoon with sharings by Veteran Architect and Graphic Designer

Sharing Speakers:
Ar. John Wong
Mr. Charles Ng

Date and Time:
Sat, 26 October 2019
2:30 PM – 5:30 PM

Venue: Finest Design Nest
(Address: Workshop C, 4/F Wui Wah Factory Building, 1035-1037 Yee Kuk West Street, Lai Chi Kok)

Language: Cantonese (English Translation Upon Request)

Admission Fee: HK$50

Quota: 50 (First-come, first-served.)

Online Enrollment:

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香港建築中心支持活動:香港大學策動永續發展坊 - 「認識文化景觀」課程
to 15 Oct

香港建築中心支持活動:香港大學策動永續發展坊 - 「認識文化景觀」課程


對 象 |適合各有意在永續發展方面坐言起行的教師、社區工作者、保育人士、政府官員、企業人員和退休人士等


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