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PLAY to Change 3.0 - 'PLAY to Read: Community Library for Architecture Salon 01 – Round the World through Architecture in 80 minutes'

AaaM, the responsible team for PLAY to Read, and friends from different backgrounds would like to share with you insights and inspirations they got from books on city and architecture in the following two events- ‘Community Library for Architecture Salon’.

“共「建」書社.開卷沙龍 (第一回) - 80 分鐘建築遊世界”
“Community Library for Architecture Salon 01 – Round the World through Architecture in 80 minutes”

日期 Date:24.6.2018 (Sun)
時間 Time:15:00 – 17:00
地點 Venue:油街實現 Oi!
名額 Quota:坐位25名, 企位不限

參與嘉賓Guest Speakers:建築遊人許允恆Simon Hui,旅遊樂園及建築意主持人Zeno Yu

*Free admission. Successful registration will be notified by email. Outdoor event is subject to changes due to weather condition. Please refer to Facebook for any updates.