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PLAY to Change 3.0 - PLAY to Read: Community Library for Architecture Salon 02 Hong Kong - "Through the Viewfinder"

《開卷沙龍》第二回將請來幾位以攝影鏡頭閱讀和紀錄城市的攝影和建築界朋友,和大家分享一下他們的鏡頭中不一樣的香港,看看他們如何見證我城的變遷; 從生活和建築日常到平常看不到的城市細節;從歷久不變的的大街小巷到消失中的場景故事; 從城市熱點到隱世角落; 探討攝影媒介如何解讀生活,如何啟迪開創城市未來。

The CL-A Salon 02 will invite photographers and architects to share with us their reading of Hong Kong through the lens, and their experience on witnessing the changes of our city through their photographic record. From daily scenes to the unnoticed details of the city; from the everlasting city scenes to the disappearing narratives; from city icons to the hidden corners; together we look into how photography decodes our city, and inspires its future.

香港「築」影 Through the Viewfinder

日期 Date:30.6.2018 (Sat)
時間 Time:15:00 – 17:00
地點 Venue:油街實現 Oi!
名額 Quota:坐位25名, 企位不限
參與嘉賓Guest Speakers:《香港公共屋邨圖片集》版主攝影師梁瑋鑫 William Leung, 攝影師及建築師麥憬淮 Kevin Mak


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*Free admission. Successful registration will be notified by email. Outdoor event is subject to changes due to weather condition. Please refer to Facebook for any updates.