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PLAY to Change 2.0 - ‘Veil of Hope’ Drawing Workshop 「繪 | 望 | 賞」繪畫工作坊

裝置「繪 | 望 | 賞」透過由青少年繪製的膠盆,抒發他們對生活的想像,引發大家對周遭環境的思考。參展建築師誠邀大家參與工作坊,親手繪製膠盆,寫下對生活和社會的願景。製成品或會成為裝置的一部分。

The installation ‘Veil of Hope’ engages the audience in better understanding our surroundings by illustrated plastic bowls, inspired with visions of our city from teenagers. You are welcome to join the coming workshop to express your views on ideas and improvements for our city, your artwork may become part of the installation.

日期 Date:3.3.2017 (Sat)
時間 Time:15:00 – 17:00
地點 Venue:油街實現 Oi!
名額 Quota:30人